Warning: Census, Good File Reputation, and Predictive Machine Learning Service Disconnected

The Census, Good File Reputation, and Predictive Machine Learning Services are security services hosted by the Trend Micro Smart Protection Network. They are necessary for the full and successful operation of the Deep Security behavior monitoring, predictive machine learning, and process memory scan features.

The following table maps the services to features.

Service name Required for these features
Global Census Service behavior monitoring, predictive machine learning
Good File Reputation Service behavior monitoring, predictive machine learning, process memory scans
Predictive Machine Learning Service predictive machine learning

If you see the alert...

Census, Good File Reputation, and Predictive Machine Learning Service Disconnected

...there are a few causes:

Cause 1: The agent or relay-enabled agent doesn't have Internet access

If your agent or relay-enabled agent doesn't have access to the Internet, then it can't reach these services.


Cause 2: A proxy was enabled but not configured properly

The Census, Good File Reputation and Predictive Machine Learning Services can be accessed using a proxy.

To check whether a proxy was enabled and make sure it was configured properly:

  1. Open the Computer or Policy editorClosed.
  2. On the left, click Settings.
  3. In the main pane, click the General tab.
  4. Find the heading titled, Network Setting for Census, Good File Reputation Service, and Predictive Machine Learning.
  5. If a proxy was specified, click Edit and make sure its Proxy Protocol, Address, Port and optional User Name and Password are accurate.