Configure Linux Secure Boot for agents

Some versions of Deep Security Agent for Linux are compatible with Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) Secure Boot.

When Secure Boot is enabled, the computer's Linux kernel checks the PKI signature of each kernel module before it is loaded. It does not load unsigned kernel modules, nor modules with invalid signatures. The following Deep Security Agent features install kernel modules:

  • Anti-Malware
  • Web Reputation
  • Firewall
  • Integrity Monitoring
  • Intrusion Prevention
  • Application Control

To use those features with Secure Boot, you must enroll the public keys from Trend Micro into the computer's firmware to enable validating of these kernel module signatures.

Methods vary by platform:

Download the Trend Micro public keys

Before you enroll them on Secure Boot computers, you must first download the Trend Micro public keys to be used to validate kernel module signatures. If you have trouble downloading the key files, right-click and select Save Link As.

The public keys are encoded in DER format:

  • DS2022.der

    SHA-256 certificate hash: BB FA 4A B8 3C 61 A0 3F 1D D0 4B A7 A4 51 75 E7 D7 EF D3 C8 4B F3 D9 FE A0 CE AB B9 2A F4 8E 92

  • DS20_V2.der

    SHA-256 certificate hash: B3 36 43 7B 12 B3 EB 6A 4E 4A 44 62 40 4F 1F BD 21 32 70 77 4C 33 7D 1C 5A 58 7C 99 83 F7 30 C7

    When the agent is deployed on SuSE 15 with kernels 5.3.18-24.34-default or later, DS20_v2.der is required because verification of kernel module signatures has changed.

  • DS20.der

    SHA-256 certificate hash: CB 44 47 C8 76 CF 28 79 2F 8E B6 76 F1 42 4B D4 93 82 70 0E 46 92 ED 69 83 0C C3 52 E9 E4 71 03

  • DS12.der

    SHA-256 certificate hash: CB 44 47 C8 76 CF 28 79 2F 8E B6 76 F1 42 4B D4 93 82 70 0E 46 92 ED 69 83 0C C3 52 E9 E4 71 03

  • DS11_2022.der

    SHA-256 certificate hash: BB FA 4A B8 3C 61 A0 3F 1D D0 4B A7 A4 51 75 E7 D7 EF D3 C8 4B F3 D9 FE A0 CE AB B9 2A F4 8E 92

    Note that the old public key for agent version 11 (DS11.der with SHA-1 hash 7D 96 56 5C 3A 77 B7 A7 24 49 D5 6A A5 0C 28 AA D7 3B 0B fB) expired on December 5, 2022. To continue using the agent after this date, you must enroll this new public key. Otherwise an "Engine Offline" error message will appear in the console and the computer will not be protected.

You also must download the intermediate certificate authority (CA) certificates that are required to validate the signing chain on the Trend Micro public keys. The CA certificates are X.509 v3 CRT files encoded in DER format:

  • MicWinProPCA2011_2011-10-19.crt

    Microsoft Windows Production PCA 2011

    SHA-256 certificate hash: E8 E9 5F 07 33 A5 5E 8B AD 7B E0 A1 41 3E E2 3C 51 FC EA 64 B3 C8 FA 6A 78 69 35 FD DC C7 19 61

  • MicCorUEFCA2011_2011-06-27.crt

    Microsoft Corporation UEFI CA 2011

    SHA-256 certificate hash: 48 E9 9B 99 1F 57 FC 52 F7 61 49 59 9B FF 0A 58 C4 71 54 22 9B 9F 8D 60 3A C4 0D 35 00 24 85 07

  • MicCorKEKCA2011_2011-06-24.crt

    Microsoft Corporation KEK CA 2011

    SHA-256 certificate hash: A1 11 7F 51 6A 32 CE FC BA 3F 2D 1A CE 10 A8 79 72 FD 6B BE 8F E0 D0 B9 96 E0 9E 65 D8 02 A5 03

Update the Trend Micro public key

You need to update your enrolled public keys for signed Trend Micro kernel modules if any of the following applies:

If a public key for Secure Boot becomes invalid for any of these reasons, and you do not replace it, then an "Engine Offline" error message might appear in the console and the computer can lose protection.

Enroll a Secure Boot key for AWS

  1. Download the required CA certificates and Trend Micro public keys for Secure Boot.

  2. If you do not have a platform key, see the AWS documentation to generate a Secure Boot platform key .

    Only replace the platform key if you can access the firmware of all devices that are loaded during boot (for example, the GPU). If you cannot update the firmware's signing chain to use your new platform key, then Secure Boot could make the instance permanently unable to boot.

  3. Create an EC2 virtual machine instance from a Linux distribution AMI that supports Secure Boot.

  4. In the console on that instance, install the Machine Owner Key (MOK) command mokutil, uefivars, and Python.

    For example, on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, execute the following commands:

    yum install mokutil

    yum install python3

    curl -L -o


    On Debian or Ubuntu, execute the following commands:

    sudo apt-get update

    sudo apt-get install efitools

    sudo apt-get install python3

    curl -L -o


  5. Upload the CA certificates and Trend Micro public keys to the instance.

  6. Put each platform key, CA certificate, and Trend Micro public key inside a UEFI signature list (.esl) file. Combine them into one file, and then convert it into binary (.bin) format.

    For example, depending on which Trend Micro public keys you use, you might enter the following commands:

    # Convert your platform key into signatures list format

    cert-to-efi-sig-list YOUR_PLATFORM_KEY.crt YOUR_PLATFORM_KEY.esl

    # Convert CA certificates

    sbsiglist --owner 77fa9abd-0359-4d32-bd60-28f4e78f784b --type x509 --output MS_CA_KEK.esl MicCorKEKCA2011_2011-06-24.crt

    sbsiglist --owner 77fa9abd-0359-4d32-bd60-28f4e78f784b --type x509 --output MS_CA_PROD.esl MicWinProPCA2011_2011-10-19.crt

    sbsiglist --owner 77fa9abd-0359-4d32-bd60-28f4e78f784b --type x509 --output MS_CA_UEFI.esl MicCorUEFCA2011_2011-06-27.crt

    # Convert Trend Micro public keys

    sbsiglist --owner 77fa9abd-0359-4d32-bd60-28f4e78f784b --type x509 --output TREND_UEFI_db_DS11.esl DS11_2022.der

    sbsiglist --owner 77fa9abd-0359-4d32-bd60-28f4e78f784b --type x509 --output TREND_UEFI_db_DS12.esl DS12.der

    sbsiglist --owner 77fa9abd-0359-4d32-bd60-28f4e78f784b --type x509 --output TREND_UEFI_db_DS20.esl DS20.der

    sbsiglist --owner 77fa9abd-0359-4d32-bd60-28f4e78f784b --type x509 --output TREND_UEFI_db_DS20_v2.esl DS20_v2.der

    sbsiglist --owner 77fa9abd-0359-4d32-bd60-28f4e78f784b --type x509 --output TREND_UEFI_db_DS2022.esl DS2022.der

    # Combine CA and vendor public keys into one signatures list

    cat MS_CA_PROD.esl MS_CA_UEFI.esl TREND_UEFI_db_DS11.esl TREND_UEFI_db_DS12.esl TREND_UEFI_db_DS20.esl TREND_UEFI_db_DS20_v2.esl TREND_UEFI_db_DS2022.esl > ALL_SIGNATURES_db.esl

    cp *.esl /root/

    # Combine all and convert to binary

    ./python-uefivars-main/ -i none -o aws -O YOUR_BINARY_SIGNING_CHAIN.bin -P ./YOUR_PLATFORM_KEY.esl -K ./MS_CA_KEK.esl --db ./ALL_SIGNATURES_db.esl

    where 77fa9abd-0359-4d32-bd60-28f4e78f784b is the GUID in the SignatureOwner field of the Microsoft Corporation KEK CA 2011 certificate.

  7. Download the .bin file.

  8. Create a new EC2 snapshot of the instance.

  9. Go to AWS Cloudshell, select Actions > Files > Upload file, and then select the binary file.

  10. Create a new AMI with the snapshot ID and the .bin file that you uploaded.

    For example, you could enter the following command:

    aws ec2 register-image --name LIFT-UBUNTU20SecureBootX64 --uefi-data $(cat YOUR_BINARY_SIGNING_CHAIN.bin) --block-device-mappings "DeviceName=/dev/sda1,Ebs= {SnapshotId={{YOUR-SNAPSHOT-ID}},DeleteOnTermination=true}" --architecture x86_64 --root-device-name /dev/sda1 --virtualization-type hvm --boot-mode uefi

  11. Use the customized image to create a new instance with Secure Boot enabled.

  12. Execute the following command to verify that the keys are successfully enrolled in the MOK list:

    mokutil --db | grep Trend

    and that the kernel has successfully loaded the Trend Micro public keys:

    dmesg | grep cert

Enroll a Secure Boot key for Google Cloud Platform

  1. Download the required CA certificates and Trend Micro public keys for Secure Boot.

  2. If you do not have a platform key, see the Google Cloud Platform documentation to generate a platform key.

    Only replace the platform key if you can access the firmware of all devices that are loaded during boot (for example, the GPU). If you cannot update the firmware's signing chain to use your new platform key, then Secure Boot could make the instance permanently unable to boot.

  3. Create customized virtual machine images with the CA certificates and Trend Micro public keys that will be used by Secure Boot:

    For example, enter the following command:

    gcloud compute images create [IMAGE_NAME] \

    --source-image=[SOURCE_IMAGE] \

    --source-image-project=[SOURCE_PROJECT] \

    --platform-key-file=YOUR_PLATFORM_KEY.der \

    --signature-database-file=./MicCorUEFCA2011_2011-06-27.crt,./MicWinProPCA2011_2011-10-19.crt,./DS2022.der,./DS20_v2.der,./DS20.der,./DS12.der,./DS11_2022.der[,OTHER_EXISTING_KEYS] \


    Public keys must be in DER or BIN format. Separate each with a comma ( , ). For details on command usage and the API, see the Google Cloud Platform documentation.

    You must include all existing Secure Boot keys when you enter this command, as it overwrites all existing keys. If you do not include them, they will be deleted and their kernel modules will not load.

  4. Use the customized image to create new virtual machine instances with Secure Boot enabled.
  5. Execute the following command to verify that the keys are successfully enrolled:

    grep 'Trend' /proc/keys

Enroll a Secure Boot key for VMware vSphere platform

Follow these steps to enroll a Secure Boot key for the VMware vSphere virtualization platform, unless the computer uses the release earlier than the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 6 Update 3 (UEK R6U3) for Oracle Linux:

  1. Download the required CA certificates and Trend Micro public keys for Secure Boot.

  2. On the computer where Secure Boot will be enabled, install the Machine Owner Key (MOK) command mokutil.

    For example, on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, enter the following command:

    yum install mokutil

    On Debian or Ubuntu, enter the following command:

    sudo apt-get update

    sudo apt-get install efitools

  3. Add the Trend Micro public keys to the MOK list, separating multiple keys with a space (if applicable). The following example shows the command to execute if Deep Security Agent version earlier than is used:

    mokutil --import /opt/ds_agent/DS2022.der /opt/ds_agent/DS20_v2.der /opt/ds_agent/DS20.der

    The following example shows the command to execute if Deep Security Agent version or later is used:

    mokutil --import /opt/ds_agent/secureboot/DS2022.der /opt/ds_agent/secureboot/DS20_v2.der /opt/ds_agent/DS20.der

    When prompted, enter a password that you will use later.

  4. Reboot the computer.

  5. When the Shim UEFI key management console opens, press any key to continue.

  6. On the Perform MOK Management screen, select Enroll MOK.

  7. Select View key X if you need to verify the details of the public keys. Press any key to return to the Enroll MOK screen.

  8. Select Continue on the Enroll the key(s)? screen.

  9. Select Yes, and then enter the password that you entered earlier.

  10. On the The system must now be rebooted screen, select OK.

  11. Verify that the keys are successfully enrolled in the MOK list:

    • For most Linux distributions, enter the following command:

      mokutil --test-key /opt/ds_agent/${certificate_file}.der

    • For Debian Linux 11 or Debian Linux 12, enter the following command:

      keyctl show %:.platform | grep 'Trend'

Enroll a Secure Boot key for physical computers

Follow these steps to enroll a Secure Boot key for a physical computer, unless it uses the release earlier than the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 6 Update 3 (UEK R6U3) for Oracle Linux:

  1. Download the required CA certificates and Trend Micro public keys for Secure Boot.

  2. If you do not have a platform key, see your Linux distribution's documentation to generate a Secure Boot platform key.

    Only replace the platform key if you can access the firmware of all devices that are loaded during boot (for example, the GPU). If you cannot update the firmware's signing chain to use your new platform key, then Secure Boot could make the instance permanently unable to boot.

  3. On the computer where Secure Boot will be enabled, install the Machine Owner Key (MOK) command mokutil.

    For example, on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, enter the following command:

    yum install mokutil

    On Debian or Ubuntu, enter the following command:

    sudo apt-get update

    sudo apt-get install efitools

  4. Add the Trend Micro public keys to the MOK list, separating multiple keys with a space (if applicable). The following example shows the command to execute if Deep Security Agent version earlier than is used:

    mokutil --import /opt/ds_agent/DS2022.der /opt/ds_agent/DS20_v2.der /opt/ds_agent/DS20.der

    The following example shows the command to execute if Deep Security Agent version or later is used:

    mokutil --import /opt/ds_agent/secureboot/DS2022.der /opt/ds_agent/secureboot/DS20_v2.der /opt/ds_agent/DS20.der

    When prompted, enter a password that you will use later.

  5. Reboot the computer.

  6. When the Shim UEFI key management console opens, press any key to continue.

  7. On the Perform MOK Management screen, select Enroll MOK.

  8. Select View key X if you need to verify the details of the public keys. Press any key to return to the Enroll MOK screen.

  9. Select Continue on the Enroll the key(s)? screen.

  10. Select Yes, and then enter the password that you entered earlier.

  11. On the The system must now be rebooted screen, select OK.

  12. Verify that the keys are successfully enrolled in the MOK list:

    • For most Linux distributions, enter the following command:

      mokutil --test-key /opt/ds_agent/${certificate_file}.der

    • For Debian Linux 11 or Debian Linux 12, enter the following command:

      keyctl show %:.platform | grep 'Trend'

Enroll a Secure Boot key for Oracle Linux

On the releases earlier than the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 6 Update 3 (UEK R6U3) for Oracle Linux, Secure Boot requires slightly different procedure. With UEK, the kernel only trusts keys that are in the built-in keyring. Therefore, the kernel must be recompiled with the Trend Micro public keys, and since that changes the kernel itself, you must also sign the new kernel boot image.

  1. Download the required CA certificates and Trend Micro public keys for Secure Boot.

  2. Follow the Oracle Linux documentation for Signing Kernel Images and Kernel Modules for Use With Secure Boot.

  3. When you reach the step for Insert the Module Certificate in the Kernel Image, replace pubkey.der with the name of your Trend Micro public key. For example:

    sudo /usr/src/kernels/$(uname -r)/scripts/insert-sys-cert -s /boot/$(uname -r) -z /boot/vmlinuz$(uname -r) -c ./DS20_v2.der

  4. Continue with the remaining steps to sign the kernel boot image.

  5. Execute the following command to verify that the key is listed in the builtin_trusted_keys keyring:

    sudo keyctl show %:.builtin_trusted_keys | grep 'Trend'

Enroll a Secure Boot key for Azure

  1. Download the required CA certificates and Trend Micro public keys for Secure Boot.

  2. If you have a generation 2 Azure VM created from a Linux distribution image with support for Secure Boot, ensure that this VM meets the following criteria:

    • The security type is specified as Trusted launch virtual machines.
    • The Enable Secure Boot security feature is selected.

    If you do not have a generation 2 Azure VM, create it from a Linux distribution image that supports Secure Boot, as follows:

    1. Select a VM image with generation 2 supported.
    2. Navigate to the Create a virtual machine page in the Azure portal.
    3. From the Security type list, select Trusted launch virtual machines.
    4. In Configure security features, select Enable Secure Boot.
  3. Ensure that the Azure VM is stopped and note the VM disk name.

  4. Execute the az login command locally or through the Cloud Shell on Azure.

  5. Execute the following script line by line to generate a shared access signatures (SAS) URL:

    read -p 'Your Subscription ID: ' subscriptionId

    read -p 'Your Resource Group Name: ' resourceGroupName

    read -p 'Your Disk Name for Exporting: ' diskName

    read -p 'Input the Expiry Duration for SAS URL in seconds (for example, 3600): ' sasExpiryDuration

    read -p 'Your Storage Account Name to Hold this VHD file: ' storageAccountName

    read -p 'Your Storage Container Name: ' storageContainerName

    read -p 'Your Storage Account Key: ' storageAccountKey

    read -p 'Your Destination VHD File Name: ' destinationVHDFileName

    az account set --subscription $subscriptionId

    sas=$(az disk grant-access --resource-group $resourceGroupName --name $diskName --duration-in-seconds $sasExpiryDuration --query [accessSas] -o tsv)

    az storage blob copy start --destination-blob $destinationVHDFileName --destination-container $storageContainerName --account-name $storageAccountName --account-key $storageAccountKey --source-uri $sas

  6. Copy the contents of the following file and save it as CreateSIGFromOSvhdWithCustomUEFIKey.json:

           "$schema": "",
           "contentVersion": "",
           "parameters": {
               "galleryName": {
                   "defaultValue": "{{ change to custom gallary name for the deployed template }}",
                   "type": "String",
                   "metadata": {
                       "description": "Name of the gallery"
               "imageDefinitionName": {
                   "defaultValue": "{{ change to custom image definition name }}",
                   "type": "String",
                   "metadata": {
                       "description": "Name of the image definition"
               "versionName": {
                   "defaultValue": "{{ change to custom image version }}",
                   "type": "String",
                   "metadata": {
                       "description": "Name of the image version"
               "storageAccountName": {
                   "defaultValue": "{{ change to custom storage account name contains the exported OS vhd }}",
                   "type": "string",
                   "metadata": {
                       "description": "Storage account name containing the OS vhd"
               "vhdURI": {
                   "defaultValue": "{{ change to custom vhd URL of the exported OS vhd }}",
                   "type": "String",
                   "metadata": {
                       "description": "OS vhd URL"
               "imagePublisher": {
                   "defaultValue": "{{ change to custom image publisher name }}",
                   "type": "String",
                   "metadata": {
                       "description": "Publisher name of the image"
               "offer": {
                   "defaultValue": "{{ change to custom image offer name }}",
                   "type": "String",
                   "metadata": {
                       "description": "Offer of the image"
               "sku": {
                   "defaultValue": "{{ change to custom image sku name }}",
                   "type": "String",
                   "metadata": {
                       "description": "Sku of the image"
               "osType": {
                   "defaultValue": "Linux",
                   "allowedValues": [
                   "type": "String",
                   "metadata": {
                       "description": "Operating system type"
               "gallerySecurityType": {
                   "defaultValue": "TrustedLaunchSupported",
                   "type": "String",
                   "allowedValues": [
                   "metadata": {
                       "description": "Gallery Image security type"
               "customDBKeyDS20": {
                   "defaultValue": "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",
                   "type": "String",
                   "metadata": {
                       "description": "Custom UEFI DB DS20.der in base64 format"
               "customDBKeyDS20V2": {
                   "defaultValue": "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",
                   "type": "String",
                   "metadata": {
                       "description": "Custom UEFI DB DS20_V2.der in base64 format"
               "customDBKeyDS2022": {
                   "defaultValue": "MIIFzzCCA7egAwIBAgIJAIfzdTk2xdt2MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMG0xGjAYBgNVBAoMEVRyZW5kIE1pY3JvLCBJbmMuMScwJQYDVQQDDB5UcmVuZCBNaWNybyBEZWVwIFNlY3VyaXR5IDIwMjIxJjAkBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWF2NzdXBwb3J0QHRyZW5kbWljcm8uY29tMB4XDTIxMTEyNjA2MzI0OVoXDTMxMTEyNDA2MzI0OVowbTEaMBgGA1UECgwRVHJlbmQgTWljcm8sIEluYy4xJzAlBgNVBAMMHlRyZW5kIE1pY3JvIERlZXAgU2VjdXJpdHkgMjAyMjEmMCQGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYXY3N1cHBvcnRAdHJlbmRtaWNyby5jb20wggIiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4ICDwAwggIKAoICAQCWb6JAyvw0PoMfHEMoBtj3hsRS8q5TPFoa6vDrAOcJZf0MTw3NZjlbnNzVP/Ri4J5DGpOWDXLte0ngugtdAG+w3y8UY8K2agEq1ehGIB3iUz45zPqDiQWs/huafj96q9FzNlWkLJT+M0E2l0qpNJ9NlyphbQ+cnccm1fHrNOMNtEbm31nW4DVD9VyB7BFf4NRS2h4FiDjRqUTAREMfk84MReQNEP98kPZLXR3ajE4MTZztYF6INR68nK9Jzig/vJjMRpMwFp+VkQaFnbiti6hbfRjS/GbCW62aJJCTHEavbyJKKY1+MRG406lYVlpH632iyvHfj2ni+B7lLvfi5qag+27mX+rBxlqLGuiwNu0geGv5GTlmDyx2onNWRz1akk5GJUloY2xG9ak92o6WsnDdJCXlFHytPc0R+FleZ/nNNpyzPYr1V8pqWenk+wpVcA7BsuRHofWYzut98GkjGYWXXjsipaDt1V2tTKNexFgzMCUIi/tJGmUe3U6czS4zk3tXiTq2Z3kZvrV59nRWJ+QEdax0ICNZH6AEqNNajgvcvP9WcZmOtgozNxoJuQrCETMKcPQ+JgLbSAiZU7zLIp1z7XF358G7Azu/AGFpJ0orSpZ9f2J7f1WQ8CsHUgz9KISw6P7b8j160CCEbLBxcRnORCGSeVpO5tdKt4a7oil5wwIDAQABo3IwcDAMBgNVHRMBAf8EAjAAMAsGA1UdDwQEAwIHgDATBgNVHSUEDDAKBggrBgEFBQcDAzAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUnbil6RHtl1sidPNZk/35mq9EaWAwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUnbil6RHtl1sidPNZk/35mq9EaWAwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggIBADsauvVNB9jPnlkOJY48eayLDfDN6JMriDA8Q0s0X9EZtTBMcRSNGIQjtyr4LOCOMNrUGMG2XFKHa8S17QYtcFM/2Y+t7aOilSTokWTkwC9jU1XBESH7fV44d/fYEO5yD3LBYw5BIEgSqJg39rdWWWOD6N1CGRwH3SZwT1aeDj7+YqCYXIUFR/jUm6SXyenoxIlSkn6Ymf3Pil3GtnqqxW1+VfkL6YOa715/3ZxqdWfvf1ArUL0spEtQEm4yHwdCuhPWbIG1RKejSFSLk92B/RdxqvYXiCxZ5SLziOLslvW0s48LrQ0TEr/HWhiuJ2Q//NSSCllUYy9f6CwXnW38xml+zZu/I8qJ5smI19JfO77HeRGACNSp2GC/C2mamLb1dSXSDKG6YomcrEFSO9oll/gfi6hwCw5Lx21/dD2SBjKMnwBYGRvDsovE2BQ26GnzvKQbJZW+kN6s5Gi3L0C56kSLLZUFJUxkKFN2//Qyu0cMC0oeecr+CYDxAHD2FMf4HGJAAScnk9mcEhxYs+B2IW/nCaRjbYvUg1LdaOR9oCXH14rh+FJ9DZmR84ia/YArHOJXSX/ziy0ftePgAGqQBmHNIPDA0TSGUYg/P5fcfYTT2bKO6lV/uXiqmDQuuCm1ietUpaTAJ0kWdDxhDzJem+N1qABRpuT93xbaapiX3199",
                   "type": "String",
                   "metadata": {
                       "description": "Custom UEFI DB DS2022.der in base64 format"
           "variables": {
               "linuxSignatureTemplate": "MicrosoftUefiCertificateAuthorityTemplate",
               "windowsSignatureTemplate": "MicrosoftWindowsTemplate"
           "resources": [
                   "type": "Microsoft.Compute/galleries",
                   "apiVersion": "2022-01-03",
                   "name": "[parameters('galleryName')]",
                   "location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
                   "tags": {
                       "AzSecPackAutoConfigReady": "true"
                   "properties": {
                       "identifier": {}
                   "type": "Microsoft.Compute/galleries/images",
                   "apiVersion": "2022-08-03",
                   "name": "[concat(parameters('galleryName'), '/', parameters('imageDefinitionName'))]",
                   "location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
                   "dependsOn": [
                       "[resourceId('Microsoft.Compute/galleries', parameters('galleryName'))]"
                   "tags": {
                       "AzSecPackAutoConfigReady": "true"
                   "properties": {
                       "hyperVGeneration": "V2",
                       "architecture": "x64",
                       "osType": "[parameters('osType')]",
                       "osState": "Generalized",
                       "identifier": {
                           "publisher": "[parameters('imagePublisher')]",
                           "offer": "[parameters('offer')]",
                           "sku": "[parameters('sku')]"
                       "features": [
                               "name": "SecurityType",
                               "value": "TrustedLaunchSupported"
                       "recommended": {
                           "vCPUs": {
                               "min": 1,
                               "max": 16
                           "memory": {
                               "min": 1,
                               "max": 32
                   "type": "Microsoft.Compute/galleries/images/versions",
                   "apiVersion": "2022-08-03",
                   "name": "[concat(parameters('galleryName'), '/',parameters('imageDefinitionName'),'/', parameters('versionName'))]",
                   "location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
                   "dependsOn": [
                       "[resourceId('Microsoft.Compute/galleries/images', parameters('galleryName'), parameters('imageDefinitionName'))]",
                       "[resourceId('Microsoft.Compute/galleries', parameters('galleryName'))]"
                   "properties": {
                       "publishingProfile": {
                           "targetRegions": [
                                   "name": "[resourceGroup().location]",
                                   "regionalReplicaCount": 1
                       "storageProfile": {
                           "osDiskImage": {
                               "hostCaching": "ReadOnly",
                               "source": {
                                   "uri": "[parameters('vhdURI')]",
                                   "storageAccountId": "[resourceId('Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts', parameters('storageAccountName'))]"
                       "securityProfile": {
                           "uefiSettings": {
                               "signatureTemplateNames": [
                                   "[if(equals(parameters('osType'),'Linux'), variables('linuxSignatureTemplate'), variables('windowsSignatureTemplate'))]"
                               "additionalSignatures": {
                                   "db": [
                                           "type": "x509",
                                           "value": [
                                           "type": "x509",
                                           "value": [
                                           "type": "x509",
                                           "value": [
  7. Replace the values inside {{ }} in the "parameters" section of the CreateSIGFromOSvhdWithCustomUEFIKey.json file, keeping in mind the following:

    • The preceding CreateSIGFromOSvhdWithCustomUEFIKey.json file is an example for custom deployment. DS20.der, DS20_v2.der, and DS2022.der have already been filled in by Base64 format.
    • To enroll another public key into the template, use the following command to convert the key to Base64 format, and then add the key to the JSON file:

      openssl base64 -in <Trend_Micro_public_key> -A

  8. Create a Shared Image Gallery (SIG) image using template deployment by Azure CLI, as follows:

    az deployment group create --resource-group <resource-group-name> --template-file CreateSIGFromOSvhdWithCustomUEFIKey.json

  9. Create an Azure VM by the custom deployment image.
  10. Execute the following command to verify that the keys are successfully enrolled in the Machine Owner Key (MOK) list:

    mokutil --db | grep Trend

  11. Execute the following command to verify that the kernel has loaded the Trend Micro public keys:

    dmesg | grep cert

For more information, see Secure Boot UEFI keys.