Run a readiness check
You can have the manager's installer run a readiness check to make sure your environment is ready for the Deep Security Manager installation. Nothing will be installed but the installer will check your installation environment to make sure it complies with system requirements. It will then generate a report which you can use to fix any issues before actually installing Deep Security Manager. For example, you may need to free disk space, allocate more vRAM, or install a new OS. If you're not ready, you can cancel out of the installer and return when ready.

Step through the manager's graphical, interactive installer until you reach the page where you are offered the option to run the check. For details, see Install Deep Security Manager.

Run the manager's silent installer with the -t option to indicate you want the installer to run in readiness check mode. For details, see Install Deep Security Manager silently
- Windows example:
Manager-Windows-<Version>.x64.exe -q -console -Dinstall4j.language=<ISO code> -varfile <PropertiesFile> -t
- Linux example:
Manager-Linux-<Version> [-q] [-console] -t [-Dinstall4j.language=<ISO code>] [-varfile <PropertiesFile>]
On Linux, the readiness check might detect less RAM than the computer actually has. To verify the computer's actual total RAM, log in with a superuser account and enter: grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo